Internet Radio Linking Project information page
Node 3223 Live Status and Connection Map Monitor
Monitors Update Continously for 10 Min - Click Monitor Run/Restart Button To Restart.

Welcome to the W7UPS IRLP Node 3223 and Echolink 195958 EchoIRLP link informational page. These are instructions on the usage for the W7UPS EchoIRLP station which is located in the Tri-Cities Washington area on the 145.390 repeater with a pl tone of 103.5. The EchoIRLP link also can be accessed directly on the simplex frequency of 446.525 with a pl tone of 100.0 hz if you are within range of the node locally which is located at my residence in southeast Kennewick.

If you are new to IRLP, here is a link that will explain all that there is to know about IRLP.

Here Are The Current DTMF Codes For Node 3223
Command Function
X X X X Connects to the IRLP Node XXXX
B X X X X Connects to the EchoLink Node XXXX
7 3 Disconnects and Plays ID
* 0 Speaks the Node Status and Plays ID
* 1 Speaks The Local Time
* 9 Speaks Voice ID
* 6 8 Connects to the Last Connected Node
* 6 9 Connects to the Last Call Waiting Node
* 7 0 Speaks the Last Outgoing Call ID with its Date and Time
* 7 1 Speaks the Last Incoming Call ID with its Date and Time
* 7 2 Speaks the Last Call Waiting ID with its Date and Time
* 9 9 Speaks the Current Tri-Cities Weather
* 4 1 1 Speaks the Last Incoming, Outgoing and Call Waiting ID's
* X X X X Speaks IRLP Node XXXX Current Status
* * X X X X Speaks IRLP Node XXXX Call, Location and Current Status
* * * * Records Your Local Audio For Playback - Use 73 To End Test
Copyright © Steve Johnson - W7UPS - 2008